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Operations Enfants du Cambodge

General Principles

We, the OEC, an NGO operating in Cambodia, confirm our commitment to:
   • The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, especially the article 31, chapter III, concerning rights, respect to, and recognition of international   bill of rights,
   • The Cambodian Labor Law, law on people with disabilities and other national laws related to civil, social, economic, cultural, security, criminal and environmental laws,
   • The Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standards for NGOs in Cambodia,
   • The Code of Ethics & Conduct for NGOs, elaborated by the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO).

1. Definition

The Operations Enfants du Cambodge is an organization not-for-profit, non-governmental, not to be part of, or controlled by, government or an intergovernmental agency and not affiliated with any political party, working to save and protect the rights of children, without any exception, distinction, or discrimination based on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or original origin, state of wealth or birth, focusing principally on having the poor children, children with disabilities, orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS, children of landmine survivors and children addicted drug users, enjoyed equal opportunity, as their similar of normal conditions, for basic right to life, to be protected, to development and to participation.

2. Values

We use our integrity in endeavoring to respect, protect and promote the fulfillment of children’s rights and obligations of all Cambodians to solve children problems based on national laws, international bill of rights and the real existing conditions. We therefore commit ourselves to the following:
     • To be non-partisan and non-discriminatory,
     • To promote equality of access, equality of opportunity and equality of outcome of Cambodian children,
     • To adhere to the principles of democratic governance:
  Participation: we use Participatory Rural Appraisal involving territorial officials, community’s members of all sex and status in analyzing, deciding and acting commonly for the success of the projects. In the office we use participatory management, a practice of creating management committee and selected representative of staff to participate in organizational decision making.
  Rule of law: In operations fields we conduct awareness campaign, seminars and communal talks to realize the respect and protection of the rights of children, women and disabled people concretized by supporting actively to the projects, and legal protection of all victims of all forms of exploitation. In the office, all staff members at any status and level must behave and act absolutely in conformity with the present code of ethical principles and the by-law going into force since 03 November 2008.
  Transparency: In operations fields the beneficiaries know the cause, goals, objectives, activities plan, means for operations and that everything follows the process as planned. In the office all staff know very well the by-law, code of ethical principles, financial and administrative rules, supporting funds, operations cost and balance; all information is freely available and directly accessible to all staff which will be affected by such information. OEC shall be an office of glass, that every one can easily see what will be done and what have been done in rightful or wrong way, that remains always open to public. OEC maintains and makes available financial and activity reports upon request by relevant, interested parties and donors.
  Responsiveness: OEC and its staff respect the two-way-communication with great attention to respond sensitively and actively to partners and stakeholders in a reasonable and timeframe,
  Consensus Oriented: As the real goals to achieve the vision remain dependent of several factors, social, economical, environmental and human ambition, OEC will discuss with all participants and related actors saving and protecting children’s rights to consider all related factors, and commonly accept successive and gradual terms of achievement in a reasonable frame time. For the work in office, all strategic plan and determination of activities will be scheduled in conformity with time limit and supporting resources.
  Equity and inclusiveness: In operation fields OEC make great effort to mobilize all community members of both sexes, all status without discrimination based on any tendency, to enter into the mainstream of community or society, then to unite in a finding of a common well being. In office, all staff members are felt that they are all instruments of a common engine that they have equal value and the same usefulness to move the engine, a small screw lost can provoke a stoppage.
  Effectiveness and Efficiency: In operations fields, OEC use human, physical, financial resources and development methods to meet the needs of saving and protecting children’s rights. In office economical use of office supplies, abilities to plan, prioritize and team organization to achieve specific objectives on time in the sense of getting good result with modest resources directing to final success..
  Accountability: To reinforce individual, professional, economical, social and political discipline of all persons involving in the project that they are all responsible for improving, strengthening and protecting the rights of children, thus responsible for a change through achieving the projects according to frame time. In short we are all accountable to the children we serve, the government and donors in the use of resources. Consequently OEC shall maintain sound financial and accounting systems that ensure the use of resources in accordance with intended purposes.

3. Governance

To be able to function effectively, we need to put in place sound governance structures staffed by experienced, committed and responsible individuals. To this end we:
   • Have elaborated a By-Law, approved by the Board of Directors on 03 November 2008, stating clearly our vision, mission and objectives,
   • Will apply correctly our policies following the general principles here above stated,
   • Shall establish governance structures which must guide the organization in its making decision and activities as follows:
  Board of Directors (Rights, obligations and procedure stated in the by-law )
  Management Committee (Rights, obligations and procedure stated in the by-law)
  Procurement committee (Rights, obligations, procedure & rules described in a note)
  Committee supervising the organization’s asset(Rights, obligations, procedure & rules described in a note)
  Staff Association (purpose, objectives, membership, rights and obligation stated in a memorandum of association)
  Annual General Meeting as a tool for self-evaluation (Rights, process and decision described in the by-law)
   • Shall give adequate space to our staff and beneficiaries to determine their roles and responsibilities in general development.

4. Accountability

As having stated in our values, we reinforce our accountability by strict respect to and strengthening democracy, human rights, transparency and the rule of law in our work. To this end we will:
   • Be accountable to government, donors, and children and public in our actions and decision.
   • Account fully for the financial resources received from donors, government, members, and partner organizations and fund from self-
     generated activities.
   • Ensure stakeholders participation in the planning and implementation and evolution of the projects or programs.
   • Undergo regular evaluations of the projects and programs

5. Organizational

Integrity As organization, we value the principles of integrity and to this end we affirm our commitment to:
   • Be truthful in all our activities and refrain from practices that undermine the moral and ethical integrity of our organization.
   • Utilize all the resources and privileges available to our organization in order to meet our mission and strategic objectives.
   • Accept funds and donations only from sources whose aims are consistent with our mission, objectives and capacity and which do not
     undermine our independence and integrity.
   • Evolve and implement participatory democracy in management to ensure ownership of the programs, projects, activities and quality of
     decision making.
   • Involve all men, women, young people and children of our target communities to the greatest possible extent, making them responsible
     for the conception, implementation and evaluation of projects or programs.

6. Management of Human Resources

As organization grouping individuals coming from different and diverse backgrounds, we are all binding together to promote respect to and protection of children. To this end we will:
   • Comply fully with our general principles herein stated.
   • Employ, promote, train or send for training staff members under clear and transparent procedures.
   • Respect and protect staff’s constitutional rights of freedom of expression, movement, conscience and association.
   • Have a clear and transparent salary, benefits and allowance policies.
   • Eliminate all forms of conflict within the organization:
  Conflict of Authorities: by producing job description for all member (job function, work to be performed, responsibilities involved and working conditions) to maintain order working efficacy(equal employment opportunity; systematic recruitment and selection process; reference and relatives check)
  Conflict of Interest: by developing clear guidelines, policies and procedures which must be followed by all staff members (prohibition against using official working hours and organization’s materials for private interest; no staff member may be member of interview committee for his/her relative, no purchasing in an enterprise controlled by his/her relatives; no person may violate the by-law, the code of ethical principles and his/her job description.)
   • Officially entitle the representative of staff association as:
  A reporter and a liaison person between all staff members and the management committee of the OEC.
  A maintainer and a protector of Human Rights and Democracy within the OEC in order to reinforce working harmony among all staff members in accomplishing the long and short objectives of the OEC covered by the by-law and the code of ethical principles.
  A principal factor to promote tolerance, compromise and understanding of the general principles of the OEC, and will resolve all problems through peaceful and democratic ways.
   • Accept any complaint from group or individual, well founded with argument, about mismanagement or misconduct performed by
     anybody, found in OEC, for a rightful and internal resolution, to be carried out by management committee or by a special committee or by
     the board of directors, depending on the gravity of the problem.
   • Use appraisal performance form containing key assignments and objectives planned, to be completed by the supervisor and the staff
     member, performance rating by the supervisor, staff member’s review and final review signed by the staff members and the supervisor,
     in order to eliminate favoritism, unclear objectives and unclear responsibilities.

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Address: Operations Enfants du Cambodge (OEC)
No 23 , Sophy II, Rattanak commune, Battambang city, Battambang province, Cambodia
Tel: +855(0) 53 952 752